July Favourite Moves To Kannemeyer

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Plans to send African Night Sky to Dubai for next year’s World Cup Carnival have been scuppered after the horse damaged a tendon.

.African Night Sky – will be off for some time

The Vodacom Durban July favourite was due to be put into quarantine in Cape Town and would then make his way to Dubai where he would join the Mike de Kock yard.

When he arrived in Cape Town they discovered the injury and it seems to have happened while the horse was in transit from Durban.

Fred Crabbia’s horse is with Dean Kannemeyer in Cape Town while they decide on his future.

“He will definitely be out of action for at least the whole summer,” said Kannemeyer. “He will be sent to the farm for the next few months to give him time to recuperate and then we’ll have to take it from there.”

Mike De Kock

It was disappointing for De Kock as African Night Sky had the class to do a bit of damage at the Carnival. “The new horses for me will be Marinaresco, who will be coming in from the UK, as well as Yakeen and Royal Crusade,” said De Kock.

African Night Sky had been with Justin Snaith and was one of his five runners in the Durban July. He went off as favourite but Grant van Niekerk was never able to overcome a wide draw and the slow pace did not do him any favours either. In the end he finished fifth behind stable companion Do It Again.


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